Friday, August 6

Final Full Day in Nova Scotia

Today was a great day! We got up for breakfast and Chris then talked to us about our work. We discussed our data and what it means with the population, about ecology and what exactly our data means for Nova Scotia. It was interesting to see exactly what all our efforts meant. We ended with a sturdy idea of what small mammals are on the up, which are declining and the ones who are staying roughly the same. Then it was off to Thomas Raddall Provincial Park, where we went divided into teams and went on a hike looking for field signs. When everyone was finished we went back home and ate dinner, then a few of us went on a short walk and then it was time to pack up, shower and get everything ready for tomorrow. We have an early two hour drive to the airport and I will be back in Evansville by 7:00 (the time it will be at home, in Canada it would be 9:00). So I've got a long travel day ahead. I can not wait to be home but I will really miss all of the great people I have met here!

This is a map of the park we went today while looking for field signs.
Here is the view from our trail, it went right along the shore.

Here is a tree with Old Man's Beard! It is really pretty when the light filters through.

This was the popular spot for the birds.

A crab, this one got a loooong way from shore.

A really pretty tree where the sun was directly overhead.
Another view from our hike, it was gorgeous!

A mini whirl pool created by the seaweed and waves.
Tomorrow we head home, this makes me really happy and sad at the same time!

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